Reader’s Request Fridays: What Do I Want?

March 01,2013

Welcome to Reader’s Request Fridays.

This week’s question comes from Patty*. She writes, “I am not very experienced when it comes to sex, but I want to have a better sex life. The problem is, I do not know what I want when it comes to sex, and I do not know how to figure out what I want. When I try to think about what I want, nothing comes to mind. Am I an idiot for not knowing? How do I figure this out?”
Hi Patty,
Thanks for your question. First of all, you absolutely are not an idiot. By making an effort to learn what you want and by asking for help, you’re taking brave steps that most women don’t take. While the question, “What do you want?” when it comes to sex may seem like a simple one, in reality is it probably one of the most complex questions you could possibly consider. One of the reasons why it is so difficult to answer is because it is a tremendously personal topic. There isn’t much else that is as deeply ingrained as our sexualities. It’s also tricky to get to the root of what we want because of the sex-negative culture that most of us have been exposed to. We all get bombarded by messages about the rules that we’re supposed to follow when it comes to sex, and the consequences that we will face if we go outside of those boundaries. Our society can leave little room for curiosity and exploration when it comes to sex. Finally, it’s a tough question to address because it does not have a static, unchanging answer. Our desires are constantly evolving. “What do you want” is a question whose answer will change over the course of your entire life, so I encourage you to view it as an ongoing process.

If you’re interested in trying to explore your sexual desires, I can offer a few suggestions for exercises to try:

I hope this helps you on your quest Patty!

*Names changed for privacy