Reader’s Request Fridays: Surviving Thanksgiving

November 16,2012

Welcome to Reader’s Request Fridays. As a reminder, I’ll be addressing one reader email per week, so if you have a specific question you’d like answered or a topic you’d like covered, please email me. If you’re interested in counseling, call (415) 658-5738 or visit my Appointments page to schedule a consultation.

This week’s question comes from Ted*, who writes, “Can you write some tips on getting through the holidays? This time of year is so hard for me.”

Hi Ted,
Thank you for the question! So many people struggle with the holidays, regardless of whether you celebrate or abstain, have a large family or no one, or have detailed plans or none at all. Many people feel lonely or abandoned, and others feel overwhelmed by family, tradition, or responsibility. Here are some of my top tips for surviving Thanksgiving:

*Names have been changed for privacy