Reader’s Request Fridays: More Bodywork

October 05,2012

Welcome to Reader’s Request Fridays. As a reminder, I’ll be addressing one reader email per week, so if you have a specific question you’d like answered or a topic you’d like covered, please email me. If you’re interested in counseling, call (415) 658-5738 or visit my Appointments page to schedule a consultation.

I recently heard back from reader Katie*, who originally wrote in asking for exercises to try to improve her relationship with her body. Katie requested more suggestions, and since this is such a huge topic, I agree that it necessitates more coverage. I’m happy to provide more exercises, but I also want to note that many of us have complex relationships with our bodies. While exercises can be useful and evocative, I highly recommend in-person therapy sessions if you are serious about understanding and improving your relationship with your body. For the meantime, here are some more ideas for ways to get started with examining your relationship with your body:

*Names have been changed for privacy